December, 1999 - February 2000

Fulton, IL, USA - Contract 2 - the concrete base and "belt"

With the windmill builders home in the Netherlands for the winter, local contractors worked on the second contract for the concrete base of the windmill.

Working on the utilities inside the base.

And on the staircase that will lead the tourists to the 2nd floor (top of the 'belt').

A concrete ring is being poured around the windmill to hold the bollards for tightening the sails.

The bollards have a secondary, ingenious function too. Through them the (iron parts of the) sails are grounded: in case lightening strikes the sails, the Fulton windmill will be safe.

All of the above photo's:
Willett Hoffman Associates, Architects & Enigineers, Dixon, IL; Mr. Tom Houck.

WebDesign: Hippo 1998-2000 Hippo WebDesign Last update: April 7, 2003


Building windmill De Immigrant

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