March 9, 1999
Heiligerlee, The Netherlands - Throughout the month of February 1999 the Molemas worked on the octagonal frame of the Fulton windmill.
First on the main (later vertical) beams, then on the main (later horizontal) interconnecting beams, and currently on the (later diagonal) "smaller" (although that word is only used here in a relative sense) interconnecting beams.
This is done for each of the 8 sides of the octagon. The sides have to be numbered individually...
because the complete structure will have to be disassembled before shipment to Fulton and the final reconstruction on site.
Associate Mr. Erik Ufkes working on the "smaller" interconnecting beams...
and looking pretty satisfied at the results.
Mr. Molema checking the spots where the interconnecting beams will have to be attached, this is not done with metal nails, because or corrosion problems, but with cylindrical wood pegs. Wooden pegs are used because they can be adjusted (hammered in more tightly on an irregular basis) since wood is a natural material, that shrinks and extends depending on the weather conditions.
The Molemas are right on schedule to have the octagon shipped for (re)construction in Fulton this summer.